ss10 DNA Ladder

ss10 DNA Ladder can be used as size markers for single-stranded DNAs or RNAs. These markers are particularly well suited for use when analyzing synthetic DNAs or even small RNAs with appropriate adjustments for differences in mobility between RNA and DNA.

ss10 DNA Ladder is prepared by the laboratory of Ronald Breaker at Yale University by combining individually synthesized and purified single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides. The samples are produced as a core facility service and the fee for the samples offsets the cost of preparation and storage.

Samples: Tubes
(100 μL each)
(Shipping not included)
1 $79
5 $355

To Request Samples: Requests are currently handled via email. Send request to:

Data Sheet:

ss10 DNA Ladder is a single-stranded DNA marker preparation (100 microliters) containing DNA molecules of 10-nucleotide increments ranging from 10 nucleotides to 1000 nucleotides. The total DNA concentration is approximately 0.2 micrograms per microliter in a solution containing 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.0 at 23°C).

Recommended uses: Combine approximately 5 to 10 microliters of ss10 DNA Ladder solution with your loading buffer to load in each gel lane and stain the gel with a DNA-binding dye to visualize (e.g. Fig. 1). Alternatively, the DNAs (which carry a 5′ hydroxyl group) can be 5′ radiolabeled using polynucleotide kinase. Intended for use only on polyacrylamide gels (see Fig. 1).

Storage: Extended storage is recommended at -20°C. Avoid long-term storage at low pH and avoid exposure to DNases.

Reference: Gu, H. and Breaker, R. R. (2013) Production of single-stranded DNAs by self-cleavage of rolling-circle amplification products, BioTechniques 54:337-343.

Fig. 1. Representative ss10 DNA ladder preparation separated by denaturing 15% PAGE. 5 μL of ss10 DNA ladder plus a loading buffer was loaded on an 8-mm-wide, 0.75 mm-thick well. Ethidium bromide was used for detection. Note that the normal mobility of short DNAs can be altered due to buffer/salt effects, which has slightly reduced the mobility of the 10mer on this gel. Band intensities may vary for different lots.