Ref - Aasland et al. 1988. J.Bacteriol. 170:5916-5918


Aasland, R.J., J. Coleman, A.L. Holck, C.L. Smith, C.R.H. Raetz, K. Kleppe 1988. Identity of the 17-kilodalton protein, a DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli, and the firA gene product. J.Bacteriol. 170:5916-5918

  • Authors:
    Aasland, R.J.
    Coleman, JackJ.
    Holck, A.L.
    Smith, CassandraC.L.
    Raetz, ChristopherC.R.H.
    Kleppe, K.

  • Year: 1988
  • Publication: J. Bacteriol.
  • Volume: 170
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 5916
  • ToPage: 5918
  • Title: Identity of the 17-kilodalton protein, a DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli, and the firA gene product.
  • Comment: firA produces HLP-1, identical to skp(hlp1) gene product., i.e., skp = firA. newmap 4 min. kb. So on new map, either hlp1 or firA, not both.
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