Strain BL21(DE3)
- CGSC#: 12504
- Strain Designation
Designation Source Preference BL21(DE3) 1 - Sex(Hfr,F+,F-,or F'): F-
- 7 Mutations:
Mutation Location Certainty Display lon-11 9.88 1 lon-11 DE(ompT-nfrA)885 12.59 1 Δ(ompT-nfrA)885 DE(galM-ybhJ)884 16.96 1 Δ(galM-ybhJ)884 LAMDE3 17.38 1 λDE3 [lacI, lacUV5-T7 gene 1, ind1, sam7, nin5] DE46 46.69 1 Δ46 mal+([K-12])(LamS) 91.40 1 [mal+]K-12(λS) hsdS10 98.67 1 hsdS10 - Comments:
- Not a K-12 strain. E. coli B derivative.
- This is a descendant of E.coli B.Bc, cured of a defective prophage found in the wildtype (Δ46). The malK, lamB, malM region was transduced in from E.coli K-12.
- References:
Printable Strain Report