Ref - Eriksson-Grennberg et al. 1965. J.Bacteriol. 90:54-62


Eriksson-Grennberg, K.G., H.G. Boman, J.A.T. Jansson, S. Thoren 1965. Resistance of Escherichia coli to penicillins. I. Genetic study of some ampicillin mutants. J.Bacteriol. 90:54-62

  • Authors:
    Eriksson-Grennberg, K.G.
    Boman, H.G.
    Jansson, J.A.T.
    Thoren, S.

  • Year: 1965
  • Publication: J. Bacteriol.
  • Volume: 90
  • Issue: NULL
  • FromPage: 54
  • ToPage: 62
  • Title: Resistance of Escherichia coli to penicillins. I. Genetic study of some ampicillin mutants.
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